Luna shorts in light blue. Made from high-quality seamless material. The shorts feature a scrunch detail and light shading on the back, combined with a high and strong waist for the perfect booty-shaping effect. You can wear them to your next workout or outdoor activities.
Luna shorts in light blue. Made from high-quality seamless material. The shorts feature a scrunch detail and light shading on the back, combined with a high and strong waist for the perfect booty-shaping effect. You can wear them to your next workout or outdoor activities.
Luna shorts in light blue. Made from high-quality seamless material. The shorts feature a scrunch detail and light shading on the back, combined with a high and strong waist for the perfect booty-shaping effect. You can wear them to your next workout or outdoor activities.
Luna shorts in light blue. Made from high-quality seamless material. The shorts feature a scrunch detail and light shading on the back, combined with a high and strong waist for the perfect booty-shaping effect. You can wear them to your next workout or outdoor activities.


€32,00 €25,60 PRIHRANITE 20 %

BARVA: Svetlo modra

Svetlo modra



euro-pound-exchange Garancija na vračilo denarja
rotate Vračilo v 60 dneh
fast-forward Hitra dostava v 24–72 urah

Razpoložljivost: Na zalogi Prednaročilo Ni na zalogi

”Luna” – spoznaj Bandasy HIT kratke hlače, ki bodo preoblikovale tvojo zadnjico kot nobene druge. Odlikuje jih minimalističen design, ki se odlično združi z drznostjo ”scrunch” všitka. Izdelane so iz visoko-kakovostnih tkanin in naprednih metod šivanja za maksimalno kvaliteto. Luna kratke hlače poudarijo tvoje obline, stisnejo kjer si najbolj želimo, pravo senčenje pa bo zagotovilo tisti ”WAW” effekt!

Kombiniraj jih z Quore 2.0. športnim topom za popolen izgled. 


90% Nylon, 10% Spandex


  • Visoki, močen pas
  • brezšivni design
  • Oprijemljivi material
  • Lahek material – diha
  • Tkan material ki: vpija vlago, se hitro suši
  • Tiskani logo
  • Všitek, ki poudari obline zadnjice
  • Neprosojni material

    TABELA VELIKOSTI ( tabela/mere lahko odstopajo maksimalno +/-5%):

    Velikost S :    V: od 148 – 165cm / T: od  50-55kg
    Velikost M :   V: od 162 – 175cm / T: od 55-60kg
    Velikost L :    V: od 164 – 178cm / T: od  60-70kg
    Velikost XL :  V: od 165 – 182cm / T: od  70-80kg

    * OPOMBE : pajkice z všitkom na zadnjici (Luna, Stella, Noir, Ombre, Luna ipd.) niso namenjene ekstremnim naporom in niso namenjene visoko-intenzivni vadbi in zelo dinamičnim treningom zaradi omejene razteznosti všitka. V primeru izvajanja omenjenih treningov obstaja možnost poškodbe všitka. V kolikor izbirate med dvema številkama, izberite večjo. 

    *Model nosi velikost M (višina 174 cm, teža 61 kg).