Uvjeti kupovine, odredbe i privatnost

Kako mogu vratiti svoju narudžbu?
  1. Slijedite upute iz dokumenta koji ste dobili uz svoje proizvode/u svojem paketu.
  2. Vratite predmete koji NISU OŠTEĆENI, prljavi ili korišteni, s originalnim pakiranjem.
  3. Vratite na adresu: AMKG GROUP d.o.o., Dolinska cesta 60-POSTNO LEZECE, 6000 Koper, Slovenija.
  4. Obavijestit ćemo vas nakon primitka vašeg paketa i riješiti vaš zahtjev u roku od 14 dana.

Datumi dostave:

  1. Redovna dostava (predmeti na zalihi): unutar Slovenije: 1-4 dana.
  2. Redovna dostava (predmeti na zalihi): unutar Hrvatske: 2-4 dana.
  3. PREDNARUDŽBA (predmeti koji nisu ili su djelomično na zalihi): za EU: 10-30 dana.

Opći uvjeti i odredbe internetske trgovine Bandasy.com sastavljeni su sukladno Zakonu o zaštiti potrošača (ZVPot), Zakonu o zaštiti osobnih podataka (Zvop-1) i preporukama Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije (GZS) te međunarodnim kodeksima za e-poslovanje. Bandasy.com je internetska trgovina koju operira Amkg Group d.o.o., Dolinska Cesta 60, 6000 Koper, Slovenija, pružatelj usluga elektroničke trgovine, i odgovoran je za sve sadržaje, oglase i cijene na web stranici bandasy.com (u daljnjem tekstu: Pružatelj). Uvjeti i odredbe istražuju rad internetske trgovine Bandasy, prava korisnika i poslovni odnos između pružatelja i kupca.

Pružatelj je obvezan uvijek pružiti korisniku sljedeće:
  • Tvrtkin identitet (ime i sjedište, matični broj);
  • Kontakt adrese koje omogućuju brzu i učinkovitu komunikaciju (e-pošta, telefon);
  • Bitne informacije o proizvodima ili uslugama (uključujući naknadne usluge i jamstva);
  • Dostupnost proizvoda (svaki proizvod ili usluga ponuđeni na web stranici trebaju biti dostupni u razumnom roku);
  • Uvjeti dostave proizvoda i izvršenja usluga (način, mjesto i vrijeme dostave);
  • Sve cijene moraju biti jasno i nedvosmisleno definirane, i jasno je naznačeno ako već uključuju poreze i troškove prijevoza;
  • Načini plaćanja i dostave;
  • Valjanost ponude;
  • Rok u kojem je moguće odustati od ugovora i uvjeti za odustajanje;
  • Također, o tome može li se proizvod vratiti i, ako da, koliko će to koštati kupca;
  • Proces žalbe mora biti razjašnjen i sadržavati sve kontakt informacije.
Podaci o tvrtki:

Naziv/titula: AMKG GROUP d.o.o.

Sjedište: Dolinska cesta 60
Održavanje operacija također na adresi: Sermin 75e, 6000 Koper, Slovenija

Matični broj: 8618593000

PDV broj: SI23979267

Kontakt broj: +386 31 876 416

E-pošta: info@bandasy.com

Ponuda internetske trgovine:

Zbog prirode poslovanja online, ponuda Bandasy.com se često i brzo ažurira i mijenja u skladu s dolaskom novih proizvoda, akcijama ili drugim srodnim događajima koji mogu utjecati na zalihe, cijene i opću ponudu.

Cijene na internetu vrijede za online kupovine uz uvjet trenutne 100% uplate gotovim novcem, bankovnim prikazom ili plaćanjem dostavljaču prilikom preuzimanja.

Bandasy ili AMKG GROUP d.o.o. ne odgovara za informacije koje ste dobili od bilo koje osobe koja nije direktno i ugovorno zaposlena u AMKG GROUP d.o.o.

Trebate razmotriti samo valjane informacije: informacije objavljene na društvenim mrežama Bandasy, ovoj web stranici ili bilo kojem drugom kanalu koji je direktno pod nadzorom AMKG GROUP d.o.o. u pogledu prodaje, cijena, događaja.

Bandasy/AMKG GROUP d.o.o. objavljuje, prosljeđuje i promovira samo podatke odobrene od rukovodstva koji su istiniti, pošteni i relevantni za kupca.

AMKG GROUP d.o.o. nastoji osigurati da svi prezentirani podaci i ponude budu u skladu s lokalnim/domaćim zakonima. Međutim, zbog stalnih promjena i izmjena istih, molimo Vas za razumijevanje ako su neki podaci zastarjeli i treba ih ažurirati. Mnogo hvala!

Načini plaćanja:

Načini plaćanja u web trgovini bandasy.com:

  • Platna kartica (Mastercard, Visa, …)
  • Gotovina uz preuzimanje (samo za određene zemlje)
  • Plaćanje proforma fakturom (na zahtjev kupca)

Pružitelj izdaje fakturu koja uključuje sve troškove i naknade, uključujući poreznu stopu, troškove dostave, troškove proizvoda i sve druge naknade/troškove povezane s kupnjom, s razgraničenjem troškova i obavješćenjem kupca o načinu odustanka od kupovine i vraćanja proizvoda, ako je potrebno i moguće.

Ugovor o kupoprodaji (narudžba) elektronički se pohranjuje na serverskom prostoru treće strane kojem pružitelj ima pristup (kupcu, u potvrdi narudžbe / prima potvrdu narudžbe i druge relevantne informacije kao što su dostava, naplata, troškovi, naknade...).


Cijene na internetu vrijede za sve "članove" ili "gostujuće" kupce Bandasy.com. Korisnik postaje član Bandasy.com registracijom u online trgovini bandasy.com. Registracija je moguća i tijekom postupka kupnje.

Sve cijene uključuju PDV osim ako nije izričito navedeno drukčije. Cijene vrijede u trenutku narudžbe i nemaju unaprijed definiran rok valjanosti. Cijene vrijede u slučaju plaćanja gore navedenim načinima plaćanja, pod navedenim uvjetima.

U slučaju promjene cijene artikla tijekom procesiranja narudžbe čim web stranica može procesirati promjenu - Bandasy/Amkg Group d.o.o. nikada neće promijeniti cijene kako bi utjecale na već započete narudžbe.

Korisnik će biti informiran ako Bandasy.com doživi bilo kakve probleme ili kvarove koji mogu uzrokovati greške i te će greške biti ublažene na odgovarajući način. Pružitelj će učiniti sve što je u njegovoj moći kako bi ponudio kupcu nižu cijenu ili ponudio odgovarajuće rješenje koje će biti uzajamno zadovoljavajuće u slučaju pogreške ili bilo kojeg drugog sličnog događaja.

Ugovor o kupnji se zaključuje između pružitelja i kupca u trenutku potvrde narudžbe od strane pružitelja (kupac primi elektronsku poruku "Narudžba potvrđena"). Od tog trenutka sve cijene i ostali uvjeti su fiksni i primjenjuju se i na pružitelja i na kupca.

Sredstva plaćena darovnim bonovima, bonusom i preplatcima ne nose kamate. Darovni bonovi i bonus kodovi za popust ne mogu se zamijeniti za gotov novac.


Nakon isporuke naručenih artikala, prodavač također šalje kupcu fakturu u PDF formatu na e-mail adresu kupca. U slučaju osobnog preuzimanja na punktu preuzimanja, kupac može prilikom preuzimanja primiti tiskanu fakturu ili digitalnu putem e-pošte za kupljene artikle.

Kupac prima fakturu za svaku zasebnu narudžbu ili zasebnu pošiljku unutar narudžbe zasebno.

Za narudžbe adresirane u EU/druge zemlje, fakture izdaje tvrtka Amkg Group d.o.o., Dolinska cesta 60, 6000 Koper, Slovenija, (matični broj 8618593000, PDV broj SI23979267), koja je obveznik PDV-a.

Kupac je dužan provjeriti ispravnost podataka prije naručivanja. Kasnije prigovori u vezi s ispravnošću izdanih faktura neće se uzimati u obzir.

Za komunikaciju s tvrtkom možete koristiti opću e-mail adresu info@bandasy.com ili telefonski broj +386 40 604 212.

Postupak kupovine:
  1. Potvrda narudžbe
    Dvije sata nakon primitka narudžbe, ali ne duže od 48 sati, Prodavatelj će pregledati narudžbu, provjeriti dostupnost proizvoda i potvrditi narudžbu ili je odbiti s navedenim razlogom. Prodavatelj zadržava pravo nazvati kupca na njegov kontakt broj telefona, ako je potrebno. Nakon potvrde narudžbe, Prodavatelj obavještava kupca e-poštom o procijenjenom vremenu isporuke. Kupoprodajni ugovor između kupca i Prodavatelja nepovratno se zaključuje u ovom trenutku.
  2. Slanje narudžbe
    Prodavatelj pakira kupljene proizvode i šalje ih unutar obećanog vremenskog razdoblja, obavještavajući kupca e-poštom ili telefonom o otpremi.
Pravo na odustajanje, PRP program, povrat robe:

Imate pravo odustati od ugovora u roku od 14 dana bez navođenja razloga. Rok za odustanak isteći će nakon 14 dana od dana kada ste vi, ili treća osoba koja nije prijevoznik i koju ste vi odredili, stekli fizičko vlasništvo nad robom (prva roba, u slučaju više paketa).

Da biste ostvarili pravo na odustanak, morate obavijestiti tvrtku Amkg Group d.o.o., Dolinska cesta 60, 6000 Koper, Slovenija, o svojoj odluci o odustanku od ugovora nedvojbenom izjavom (npr. pismom poslanim poštom ili e-poštom na info@bandasy.com).

Da biste ispunili rok za odustanak, dovoljno je da pošaljete svoju obavijest o ostvarivanju prava na odustanak prije isteka roka za odustanak.

Sve razmjene podliježu cijenama na dan razmjene - nije moguće dobiti dodatni popust na temelju prethodnih prodaja ili popusta.

Ukoliko koristite ponuđeni poklon uz neku od promocija koje su trenutno u tijeku i nakon toga odustajete od ugovora, također morate vratiti primljeni poklon. U suprotnom, vrijednost poklona odbija se od konačnog iznosa vraćenih proizvoda. Ako artikli koje zadržite iz dotične narudžbe i dalje ispunjavaju uvjete promocije, možete zadržati dar.

U slučajevima kada kupac djelomično odustane od ugovora i vrati samo određene proizvode, svi promotivni popusti primijenjeni na pojedinačne proizvode u košarici (npr. popust na drugi proizvod u košarici, promocije 3 za 2) proporcionalno se raspoređuju na sve proizvode u košarici. Povrat novca za vraćeni proizvod obračunava se prema vrijednosti proizvoda, uzimajući u obzir proporcionalno raspodijeljen popust na sve proizvode u košarici.

Odustanak od kupovine i povrat robe moguće je do 60 dana nakon narudžbe - kao dodatna usluga kupcu, a ne prema lokalnom zakonu.

Da bi vaš odustanak/povrat bio valjan, morate se strogo pridržavati sljedećeg postupka:

  1. Možete razmijeniti/vratiti sve artikle prikazane na web stranici bandasy.com. Izuzeci su programi vježbanja i donje rublje ili neka tijela.
  2. Prihvaćamo samo neobučene, neoprane i 100% funkcionalne proizvode bez vidljivih oštećenja.
  3. Ako ste oštetili proizvod prilikom probe, vježbanja ili nepravilnim rukovanjem, NE PRIHVAĆAMO takve povrate. Svi proizvodi moraju biti 100% isti kao primljeni s originalnim etiketama i originalnom ambalažom - ako ste oštetili vanjsku ambalažu, morate pružiti novu koja će u potpunosti zaštititi proizvode unutra. Ako proizvodi ne stignu u potpunosti zaštićeni, nećemo prihvatiti vaš povrat ili razmjenu.
  4. Za sve razloge osim vraćanja oštećenih proizvoda prije nošenja (proizvoda koji su stigli oštećeni), kupac mora pokriti sve troškove dostave vezane za razmjenu ili povrat.

VAŽNO: Poduzimamo sve mjere kako bi se osiguralo da svi primljeni proizvodi budu 100% funkcionalni i kao što se vidi na web stranici. Naši postupci prije pakiranja mogu uključivati: fotografiranje poslanih artikala, dvostruko provjeravanje pune funkcionalnosti itd.

"PRP" program korisnicima pruža do 365 dana zamjenske vrste pokrića za kupljene proizvode. Ovo pokriće omogućuje zamjenu jednog proizvoda iz košarice prilikom kupnje PRP-a, s maksimalno jednim proizvodom. Za zahtjev za zamjenu, korisnici moraju pružiti sve tražene informacije timu za korisničku podršku Bandasy na info@bandasy.com. Bandasy ima 14 dana da odluči hoće li zahtjev odobriti ili odbiti. Napomena: ovo pokriće ne uključuje krađu, namjernu štetu niti zamjenu za proizvode drugih marki osim Bandasy. Ako točan proizvod nije dostupan zbog prestanka proizvodnje ili nedostatka zaliha, Bandasy će ponuditi zamjenu za bilo koji drugi proizvod iste vrijednosti.

Učinci odustajanja:

Ako odustanete od ovog ugovora, mi ćemo vam nadoknaditi sve uplate koje smo primili od vas. Bez nepotrebnog odgađanja, a u svakom slučaju najkasnije 14 dana (20 dana u slučaju velikih opterećenja) od dana kada smo obaviješteni o vašoj odluci da odustanete od ovog ugovora. Snosit ćete izravne troškove povrata robe. Ne nudimo besplatne povrate ili zamjene, osim ako ste član našeg programa "VIP". To je neprobojno pravilo. Povrat ćemo izvršiti istim sredstvima plaćanja koja ste koristili za početnu transakciju, osim ako izričito niste drugačije dogovorili; u svakom slučaju, nećete snositi nikakve troškove zbog takve naknade. Možemo zadržati povrat sredstava dok ne primimo robu ili dok ne dostavite dokaze da ste poslali robu, ovisno o tome što je ranije. Roba se mora vratiti nekorištena, neoštećena, u originalnom pakiranju sa svom pratećom dokumentacijom. U slučaju da vraćena roba bude oštećena, u promijenjenoj količini ili u neoriginalnom pakiranju, povrat sredstava nije moguć.


Ako ste naručili Mystery Box bilo koje vrijednosti, svaki vraćeni proizvod neće biti obračunat na temelju ukupne potrošene cijene podijeljene s brojem proizvoda, već po fiksnoj stopi od 12 € – ista stopa primjenjuje se u slučaju zamjena ili povrata. Ova stavka nije predmet pregovora. Prodavatelj nije dužan osigurati bilo koji određeni proizvod koji kupac zatraži – paketi se pripremaju od strane Bandasy tima prema njihovoj najboljoj procjeni i informacijama iz narudžbe. Narudžba Mystery Boxa može biti djelomično ili u potpunosti otkazana u bilo kojem trenutku iz bilo kojeg razloga. Na bilo koji Mystery Box ne vrijede kodovi za popust.


Osim ako kupac drukčije ne navede pri narudžbi, isporuka robe obavit će se na mjestu koje je kupac naveo u narudžbi pomoću prijevoznika kojeg odabere dobavljač. Isporuka naručene robe obavit će se u unaprijed zakazanom roku (ponekad zbog posebnih okolnosti isporuka može potrajati dulje). Kupac potvrđuje da su rokovi isporuke informativne prirode, ne mogu se na bilo koji način smatrati bitnim i na bilo koji način ne obvezuju dobavljača.

Ako paket ne primate u očekivanom roku isporuke, molimo vas da nas kontaktirate na +386 40 604 212 ili info@bandasy.com.

Ako se artikal kupi tijekom prodaje ili s popustom većim od 10%, rok isporuke može se produžiti do 14 dana.

Nadoknada za isporuku moguća je samo ako kupac primi artikal kao oštećen ili nefunkcionalan.

Sve promjene, zamjene itd. kupljenih proizvoda podliježu naplati kupcu. Prodavac neće pokriti troškove zamjene artikala ili promjene veličine.

Prodavac može koristiti bilo kojeg od sljedećih dostavljača za bilo koju kupnju u online trgovini bandays.com: Pošta Slovenije, UPS, GLS, DPD or DHL.

Prodavatelj može koristiti bilo kojeg od sljedećih pružatelja usluga dostave za svaku kupnju na internetskoj trgovini bandays.com: Pošta Slovenije, UPS, GLS, DPD i DHL.

Radom i pakiranjem paketa zahtjevnicama web trgovine i tvrtke spomenute gore neće se obavljati vikendom. Bandasy.com posluje isključivo na sljedećim područjima: EU, druge zemlje.

Ne postoji opće ograničenje trošenja za besplatnu dostavu jer ovisi o zemlji porijekla naručitelja. Besplatna dostava moguća je samo sa posebnim kodovima za popust ili ako iznos potrošnje prijeđe određenu točku.

Pravo na privatnost:

Pružatelj se pravno obvezuje da će trajno štititi sve osobne podatke. Oni će se koristiti isključivo za slanje informativnog materijala, ponuda, računa, provođenje vlastitih istraživanja i analiza i druge potrebne komunikacije. Podaci korisnika u svakom slučaju neće biti predani trećoj strani.


Pružitelj može kontaktirati kupca putem međunarodne komunikacije osim ako ovaj to izričito ne odbije.

Komercijalne elektroničke poruke moraju sadržavati sljedeće elemente:

  • Sve reklame moraju biti jasno i nedvojbeno označene kao reklame.
  • Identitet pošiljatelja mora biti jasno vidljiv.
  • Razne kampanje, promocije i druge marketinške aktivnosti moraju biti označene kao takve - Trebaju postaviti jasna pravila sudjelovanja u njima.
  • Treba poštovati zahtjev korisnika da ne prima promotivne poruke.
Sigurnost djece:

Oglasi moraju biti nedvosmisleni (i primjereni dobi) i jasno odvojeni od igara i natjecanja. Sva komunikacija usmjerena prema djeci mora biti primjerena njihovoj dobi i ne smije zloupotrebljavati povjerenje djece, nedostatak iskustva ili osjećaj lojalnosti. Pružatelj ne smije primati narudžbe od osobe koju znaju ili sumnjaju da je dijete, bez dozvole roditelja ili skrbnika. Pružatelj ne smije prikupljati osobne podatke o djeci bez dopuštenja njihovih roditelja ili skrbnika. Također, pružatelj ne smije ustupiti podatke prikupljene od djece trećoj strani, osim roditeljima ili skrbnicima. Pružatelj nije dopušteno pružiti besplatan pristup proizvodima ili uslugama koje su štetne za djecu.


Prije kupnje, kupac u aplikaciji izjavljuje da je pročitao i prihvaća ove Opće uvjete. Ovi Opći uvjeti su korisnicima usluga dostupni u svakom trenutku na način koji omogućava njihovo spremanje, ponovnu upotrebu i reproduciranje.

Sadržaj web stranica bandasy.com i svih njegovih verzija vlasništvo je Amkg Group d.o.o. (u daljnjem tekstu Amkg Group d.o.o.):

Pružitelj se svim snagama trudi osigurati brzinu i točnost podataka objavljenih na njegovoj web stranici. Međutim, priroda artikala, njihova dostupnost i cijena se promijenju vode dnevno, a dobavljač možda neće uspjeti 100% ispraviti informacije na svojoj web stranici, iako je to vodstvo prodavatelja, imati sve podatke ažurirane što je prije moguće. U tom slučaju, kupac će biti informiran o promjenama i omogućit će mu se odustanak ili zamjena naručenog artikla.

Pružitelj nije odgovoran za sadržaj ili mišljenja o svojim artiklima koje su napisali posjetitelji. Pružitelj prosljeđuje mišljenja prije objavljivanja recenzija i odbacuje one koji sadrže očite neistine i koji su zavara vajući ili uvredljivi. Pružitelj ne odgovara na informacije u mišljenjima i oslobođen je bilo koje odgovornosti koja proizlazi iz informacija u mišljenjima.

Sve fotografije proizvoda su simboličke i ne jamče prava svojstva proizvoda.


Rješavanje sporova s potrošačima:

Prodavac ne priznaje nijednog sudionika nadležnim za rješavanje sporova izvan suda u vezi sa potrošačkim sporovima, koje potrošač može pokrenuti.

Pružitelj poštuje postojeće zakonodavstvo o zaštiti potrošača. Pružitelj je dužan uspostaviti učinkovit sustav za rješavanje reklamacija. U slučaju problema, kupac može kontaktirati pružitelja telefonom ili e-poštom. Reklamacije se mogu podnijeti putem e-pošte info@bandasy.com ili pisanjem pisma tvrtki. Pružitelj će potvrditi prijem reklamacije u roku od pet radnih dana i obavijestiti kupca o daljnjem ispitivanju slučaja.

Pružitelj je svjestan da su bitne značajke potrošačkog spora, barem što se tiče rješavanja slučaja, nesklad između ekonomske vrijednosti potraživanja i troškova nastalih rješavanjem spora. To je također glavni razlog zašto potrošač ne pokreće parnicu. Stoga se pružitelj trudi prema svojim najboljim sposobnostima da prijateljski riješi sve sporove. Svi potrošački sporovi rješit će se sporazumno. Ako takvo rješenje nije moguće, nadležni sud u Kopru imat će jurisdikciju nad svim sporovima.

Spomenuto propisivanje temelji se na Zakonu o rješavanju potrošačkih sporova izvan suda, Uredbi (EU) br. 524/2013. Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o online rješavanju potrošačkih sporova i izmjeni Uredbe (EZ) br. 2006/2004 i Direktive 2009/22/EZ.

Kolačići (Cookies):

Kolačići su male datoteke koje sadrže informacije privremeno pohranjene na vašem računalu kada posjetite web stranice. S njima web stranica vas identificira i zapamti informacije o vašoj posjeti i pruža vam prijazniju i jednostavniju web uslugu. Upotrebom kolačića prilagođavamo naš web sadržaj, pamtimo vaše preferencije i bilježimo posjete našoj online trgovini. Pretraživanje naše web stranice/trgovine je jednostavnije, brže i učinkovitije uz pomoć kolačića.

Kolačići su sastavni dio modernih web stranica i sami po sebi nisu štetni, a ne sadrže viruse ili bilo kakav drugi zloćudan kod. Kolačići ne daju upravljaču web stranice pristup vašem računalu, a podaci prikupljeni kroz kolačiće ne uključuju osobne podatke.

Koristimo kolačiće sesije za potrebe naše web stranice/trgovine. Potrebni su za rad uređivanja i prikaza sadržaja te osiguravaju pravilan prijem elektronskih poruka i sadržaja web stranice. Kolačići se brišu kada korisnik napusti web stranicu.

Politika oporezivanja: Svi proizvodi su isprva prikazani u EUR valuti i prema slovenskom obrascu oporezivanja. Ako ste kupac koji živi i naručuje u drugoj zemlji, a ne u Sloveniji, vaša konačna cijena može biti ažurirana pri plaćanju jer će se konačna cijena izračunati na temelju vaše geolokacije i na temelju unesenog mjesta isporuke u naš obrazac za plaćanje - to je zbog EU zakona o oporezivanju koji zahtijevaju naše oporezivanje na temelju zemlje prebivališta/boravišta kupca.

Vrste kolačića:
  • Privremeni ili Sesija kolačići;
  • Trajni ili Pohranjeni kolačići;
  • Vlastiti kolačići;
  • Drugi kolačići.

U zakonodavstvu i smjernicama svaka vrsta kolačića tretira se različito, što znači da je teško vlasnicima web stranica i web developerima postići usklađenost sa Zakonom o elektroničkim komunikacijama (Zakon o elektroničkim komunikacijama-1), a posebno zahtijeva da se educiraju o pitanju privatnosti u vezi s kolačićima. Također moraju obavijestiti svoje posjetitelje web stranice o njima. U slučaju da web stranica koristi kolačiće koji su invazivniji, mora dobiti pristanak za njihovu upotrebu od posjetitelja.Kako upravljati kolačićima?Većina web preglednika omogućuje vam postavljanje kolačića. Kolačiće možete odbiti ili prihvatiti pomoću ugrađene funkcije u web preglednicima. Ako odlučite odbiti kolačiće, možete i dalje koristiti našu web stranicu, ali to može uzrokovati da određeni dijelovi web stranice ne rade ispravno.


Za slanje elektronskih poruka pojedincima (SMS, aplikacije za instant poruke, e-pošta) koristimo uslugu CartFox.

Politika privatnosti CartFoxa i informacije o pružitelju usluge CartFox dostupne su ovdje

Discounts, Promotional Codes, Discount Codes, and Vouchers

AMKG Group d.o.o. zadržava pravo da isključi neke proizvode tijekom bilo koje rasprodeje bilo kojeg iznosa za bilo koje trajanje vremena. To vrijedi od 01.05.2020.

Prag besplatne dostave može varirati ovisno o zemlji.

Ako naručite proizvode s oznakom "Prednarudžba" slažete se na kupnju artikla s nepoznatim datumom isporuke. Točan datum isporuke bit će poznat kada vas osoblje Bandasyja obavijesti.


Ako ste informacije dobili iz bilo kojeg izvora koji nije pod vodstvom Amkg Group d.o.o. ili nije u vlasništvu Amkg Group d.o.o., iste informacije se ne smatraju objavljenim ili odobrenim od Amkg Group d.o.o. / Bandasy.

Marketing preko influencera: Ako djelujete kao influencer, vaša je odgovornost imati valjano pravno tijelo za izdavanje faktura za vaše usluge i pružanje kupcima ili vašim pratiteljima legalnih, pouzdanih i fer informacija o našoj suradnji, a trebali biste ih prikazati i na svoj sadržaj.

Special Product Labels

New Products: The label "New" or "Novo" indicates a newly added product that was not previously available for purchase. This label remains on the product for a minimum of 14 days and a maximum of 2 months.

High-Demand Products: The label "Hot" or "Vroče" is assigned to products with a higher-than-usual purchase volume compared to similar products in the online store.

Discounts: The labels "Sale," "Discount," "Promotion," "-XYZ %," or a crossed-out price indicate that the product has been significantly reduced in price compared to its previous price. The percentage or amount of the discount is displayed alongside the product. The lowest price of the product within the last 30 days before the discount is always shown. Discounts are updated based on stock levels and demand. If a discounted product sells out, the "Discount" label is removed, and the product is marked as "Out of Stock."

Out-of-Stock Products: The labels "Out of Stock" or "Currently Unavailable" indicate that the product is not currently available in the online store and cannot be restocked within the expected delivery timeframe.

Withdrawal from the Contract Within 14 Days Without Stating a Reason

Right to Withdraw from the Contract Within 14 Days Without Stating a Reason

A customer who qualifies as a consumer has the right, in connection with purchases on the online store, to notify the company within 14 days that they are withdrawing from the contract without the need to state a reason for their decision.

The customer may withdraw from the contract by submitting a clear declaration to the company, which explicitly states their intention to withdraw from the contract.

By exercising the right to withdraw from the contract, both the company's and the customer's obligations regarding contract fulfillment or contract formation cease, provided that the customer was the one who made the offer for the contract.

When is Withdrawal from the Contract Within 14 Days Without Stating a Reason Not Possible?

Despite the above, under Article 135 of the Consumer Protection Act, withdrawal from the contract is not possible in certain cases (e.g., when purchasing goods that are made to the consumer's precise specifications and tailored to their personal needs, purchasing perishable goods or goods with a short shelf life, purchasing sealed audio or video recordings and computer programs if the consumer has unsealed them upon delivery, or purchasing sealed goods that are not suitable for return due to health or hygiene reasons if the consumer has unsealed them after delivery, etc.).

When is Withdrawal from the Contract Still Possible and How to Execute It?

Notwithstanding the above, in all other cases, any customer (provided that they qualify as a consumer) may withdraw from the contract (i.e., the purchase) within 14 days without the need to state a reason, by notifying the company within this period of their intention to withdraw.

It is considered that the customer has submitted their withdrawal declaration on time if it was communicated to the company within the withdrawal period (i.e., within 14 days from receiving the goods or placing the order for the service).

The customer bears the burden of proof regarding the exercise of their right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days.

Upon receiving the withdrawal notification, the company will immediately notify the customer of this on a durable medium.

When Does the 14-Day Withdrawal Period Start?

The 14-day withdrawal period starts from the day when:

The customer or a third party designated by the customer, who is not the carrier, acquires physical possession of the goods;

The customer or a third party designated by the customer, who is not the carrier, acquires physical possession of the last item if the order consists of multiple items purchased in a single order;

The customer or a third party designated by the customer, who is not the carrier, acquires physical possession of the last shipment or item if the goods are delivered in multiple shipments or parts;

The customer or a third party designated by the customer, who is not the carrier, acquires physical possession of the first item if the goods are delivered regularly over a specified period.

The above also applies to digital content delivered on a physical medium.

For service contracts or contracts for the supply of digital content that is not delivered on a physical medium, the withdrawal period starts on the day the contract is concluded (i.e., the date of purchase).

How to Notify the Company of Withdrawal via Email?

The customer may withdraw from the contract by sending a clear declaration to the company's email address (provided at the beginning of these General Terms and Conditions), explicitly stating their intention to withdraw.

It is also recommended that the customer includes in the notification:

The specific goods or services related to the withdrawal, or a reference to the order number or order confirmation received via email;

The date of receipt of the goods.

How to Notify the Company of Withdrawal Using a Form?

The consumer may also submit a withdrawal notification to the company using a withdrawal form available [here].

The form can be sent to the company either by mail to the address listed in the form or by emailing a scanned version of the completed form to the company's email address (also listed in the form).

Alternatively, the customer may use the following withdrawal form by copying it onto paper and sending it by mail to the company's address (or copying it into an email and sending it electronically):

AMKG GROUP, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o.

Koper, Dolinska cesta 60

6000 Koper - Capodistria

I hereby inform you that I am withdrawing from the contract for the sale of the following goods: [Specify the purchased goods].

The goods were ordered on: [Date] and received on: [Date].

Customer's Name: *

Customer's Address: *

Customer's Signature: * (only if submitting a paper form)

Date: *

Allowed Examination and Use of Goods Before Withdrawal

The customer must return the goods in an undamaged condition and unchanged quantity, except if the goods are destroyed, spoiled, lost, or their quantity has decreased due to circumstances beyond the customer's control.

The customer may not freely use the goods before withdrawal. They may examine and test the goods only to the extent necessary to determine their nature, characteristics, and functionality (e.g., preserving all original documentation and instructions, keeping all protective packaging intact, ensuring that testing does not cause damage or make the goods dirty or otherwise unusable).

The customer is liable for any reduction in the value of the goods resulting from handling beyond what is necessary to determine their nature, characteristics, and functionality. Liability may extend up to the full regular retail price of the goods or service on the day of purchase.

The company may claim damages from the customer for any loss in value of the goods, as permitted under civil law regulations.

Return of Goods in Case of Withdrawal

If the customer has already received the goods and withdraws from the contract, they must return or hand over the goods to the company or a person authorized by the company to receive the goods, immediately or within 14 days of notifying the company of withdrawal, unless the company informs the customer that it will arrange for the goods to be collected.

If the company arranges for the collection of the goods, it will notify the customer via email, providing details of the authorized person and agreeing on a pickup date and location.

If the company does not notify the customer about collection, the customer must return the goods at their own expense (e.g., via mail).

The return is considered timely if the goods are sent before the 14-day return period expires.

The company does not accept shipments sent as cash on delivery.

Refund of Payments and Costs in Case of Withdrawal

In case of withdrawal, the company will refund all received payments to the customer immediately, or no later than 14 days after receiving the withdrawal notification, provided that the withdrawal conditions are met.

If the company disputes the validity of the withdrawal, it will notify the customer, who may file a complaint as outlined in the "Complaint Handling" section of these General Terms.

Refunds will be made using the same payment method used by the customer, unless the customer explicitly agrees to an alternative method and does not incur any additional costs.

The company reserves the right to withhold the refund until the goods are returned or until the customer provides proof of having sent them back (e.g., a scanned receipt for postal shipment), unless the company has agreed to collect the goods.

If the contract was concluded outside business premises and the goods were delivered to the customer’s home at the time of contract formation, the company will bear the return costs if the goods cannot reasonably be returned by regular mail. The customer must inform the company of this within the withdrawal period.

If the customer withdraws from the contract after explicitly requesting early service performance, they must pay for the services proportionally up to the date of withdrawal.

The customer bears only the direct costs of returning the goods or digital content delivered on a physical medium.

The customer is not entitled to a refund of additional costs incurred if they opted for a more expensive delivery method than the standard one offered by the company.

Withdrawal from Contracts for Digital Content or Services

Withdrawal from contracts for digital content not delivered on a physical medium is not possible if:

The customer explicitly agreed to the early execution of the service during the withdrawal period,

The customer acknowledged that they would lose the right to withdraw,

The company provided a confirmation as required by law.

If the customer withdraws, they must stop using the digital content or service and may not share it with third parties.

Non-compliance of goods and goods with digital elements

Compliance of Goods and Goods with Digital Elements

In accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, the company supplies the customer with goods that meet the subjective requirements for the conformity of goods, the objective requirements for the conformity of goods, and the objective requirements for the conformity of goods with digital elements, where applicable, and is liable for any non-conformities present at the time of delivery.

Subjective Aspects of Goods Compliance

The consumer can assert claims against the company for non-compliant goods if the goods do not conform to the sales contract, as specified in Article 72 of the Consumer Protection Act (e.g., they do not match the description from the sales contract, are not suitable for the specific purpose required by the consumer, are not delivered with accessories and instructions, are not updated, etc.).

Objective Aspects of Goods Compliance

Goods must also meet objective compliance criteria as specified in Article 73 of the Consumer Protection Act (e.g., they must be suitable for the intended purposes for which goods of the same type are normally used, conform to the type, quality, or model advertised to the consumer, and be delivered with accessories, packaging, instructions, etc.).

Compliance of Goods with Digital Elements

Goods with digital elements are also considered non-compliant if the company fails to ensure that the consumer is informed about updates, including security updates necessary to maintain the conformity of goods with digital elements, and if these updates are not delivered within the following periods:

The period that the consumer can reasonably expect based on the type and purpose of the goods and digital elements, considering the circumstances and nature of the contract when the sales contract stipulates a one-time delivery of digital content or a digital service, or

Two years from the delivery of the goods with digital elements, when the sales contract stipulates the continuous supply of digital content or a digital service for a specific period, or

The period within which, according to the sales contract, the digital content or digital service must be provided when the contract stipulates the continuous supply of digital content or a digital service for a period longer than two years.

If the consumer fails to install updates provided in accordance with the previous paragraph within a reasonable time, the company is not liable for non-compliance resulting solely from the failure to perform the necessary update, provided that:

The company has informed the consumer about the availability of the update and the consequences of not installing it, and

The reason the consumer did not install or improperly installed the update was not due to inadequate installation instructions provided to the consumer.

Non-Compliance Due to Improper Installation

If installation is an integral part of the sales contract and is performed by or is the responsibility of the company, any non-compliance resulting from improper installation of the goods is considered non-compliance of the goods.

If the consumer improperly installs goods that they were required to install themselves due to inadequate installation instructions provided by the company or, in the case of goods with digital elements, by the company or the entity supplying the digital content or digital service, any non-compliance resulting from improper installation of the goods is considered non-compliance of the goods.

Enforcement of Warranty Claims in Case of Non-Conformity of Goods and Goods with Digital Elements

Deadline for Enforcing Warranty Claims for Non-Conformity of Goods or Goods with Digital Elements

A consumer may enforce their rights regarding non-conforming goods if they notify the company of the non-conformity within 2 months from the date they discovered it.

The right to enforce warranty claims regarding non-conforming goods (or goods with digital elements) expires 2 years from the date the consumer notifies the company of the non-conformity.

The company is liable for any non-conformity of the goods that exists at the time of delivery and that appears within 2 years from the delivery of the goods.

The previous paragraph, without prejudice to the first paragraph of Article 74 of the Consumer Protection Act, also applies to goods with digital elements.

In the case of goods with digital elements, where the sales contract provides for the continuous supply of digital content or digital services for a specified period, the company is responsible for any non-conformity of the digital content or digital service that arises or appears within two years from the delivery of the goods with digital elements.

If the sales contract provides for the continuous supply of digital content or digital services for a period longer than two years, the company is responsible for any non-conformity of the digital content or digital service that arises or appears during the period in which the digital content or digital service must be supplied according to the sales contract.

If the subject of the sales contract is second-hand goods, the company is liable for non-conformity that appears within 1 year from the delivery of the goods.

It is presumed that the non-conformity of the goods already existed at the time of delivery if it appears within one year of delivery, unless the company proves otherwise or if this presumption is incompatible with the nature of the goods or the nature of the non-conformity.

Notification of the Consumer to the Company Regarding the Enforcement of Warranty Claims

The consumer can notify the company of the non-conformity in person, in which case the company will issue a confirmation, or send the notification to the store or business unit where the goods were purchased, or report it to the company’s representative with whom the sales contract was concluded.

The company recommends that consumers submit non-conformity notifications in writing, either by physical mail or email, sent to the address or email address listed at the beginning of these Terms and Conditions.

The consumer must provide a detailed description of the alleged non-conformity in their notification.

It is recommended that the consumer also attach a receipt (e.g., in scanned form) issued by the company for the purchase of the item in question or other proof showing that the consumer purchased the product from the company (e.g., an email containing the order confirmation).

The company is not obliged to evaluate and process warranty claims from individuals who cannot prove that they purchased the non-conforming goods, service, or digital content/service from the company's online store.

It is also recommended that the notification include photographic evidence, video footage, or other material explaining the alleged non-conformity.

If necessary, the company or its partners may request that the consumer allow the non-conforming goods, service, or digital content/service to be inspected (e.g., by arranging shipment or pickup of the goods at the company's expense, through video consultation, or by another suitable means).

If the company does not agree that the goods are non-conforming (or does not agree that the consumer is entitled to enforce a warranty claim), the company will notify the consumer in writing within 8 days of receiving the consumer's warranty claim.

What Warranty Claims Are Available to Consumers in the Case of Non-Conforming Goods?

In the event of non-conforming goods, the consumer who has notified the company of the non-conformity is entitled, under the conditions and order of this section, to:

First: Request that the company restore the goods to conformity free of charge.

Then: Request a proportionate reduction in the purchase price or withdraw from the sales contract and request a refund.

The consumer may withhold payment of the remaining balance or part of the remaining balance until the company fulfills its obligations under this section. The consumer enforces this right by notifying the company of their decision, as detailed in the notification section above.

In any case, the consumer is also entitled to claim compensation from the company, particularly reimbursement for material costs, replacement parts, labor, transport, and shipping costs incurred due to enforcing a warranty claim for non-conforming goods.

The consumer may request that the company restore the goods to conformity within a reasonable period, not exceeding 30 days, free of charge and without significant inconvenience to the consumer, taking into account the nature of the goods and their intended use.

The deadline from the previous paragraph may be extended to the shortest possible time required to complete the repair or replacement, but not by more than 15 days. The extension period takes into account the nature and complexity of the goods, the severity of the non-conformity, and the effort required to complete the repair or replacement. The company will inform the consumer of the extension period and the reasons for it before the initial deadline expires (usually via email to the address from which the consumer notified the company of the non-conformity).

Restoring the goods to conformity is considered free of charge if the company also covers the necessary costs incurred in doing so, including shipping, transport, labor, or material costs.

When Can the Consumer Not Choose Repair or Replacement of Non-Conforming Goods?

To restore conformity, the consumer may choose between repairing the goods and replacing them with new, defect-free goods, unless:

The selected warranty claim is impossible to fulfill, or

The selected warranty claim imposes disproportionate costs on the company compared to an alternative warranty claim, considering all circumstances (e.g., the value the goods would have had if they were not non-conforming, the significance of the non-conformity, and the feasibility of providing the consumer with another warranty claim without significant inconvenience).

The company may reject the consumer’s warranty claim for restoring conformity if repair and replacement are both impossible or if fulfilling them would cause disproportionate costs, considering all circumstances.

If restoring conformity requires the repair or replacement of goods, the consumer must make the goods available to the company as detailed in the notification section above. If replacement is necessary, the company will take back the replaced goods at its own expense.

If the goods were installed before the non-conformity became apparent, the obligation to repair or replace them includes removing the defective goods and installing the repaired or replacement goods or covering the costs of such removal and new installation.

The consumer does not have to pay for the normal use of the replaced goods before the replacement.

Reduction of the Purchase Price and Withdrawal from the Sales Contract in the Case of Non-Conforming Goods

The consumer may request a proportionate reduction in the purchase price or withdraw from the sales contract in any of the following cases:

The company has not repaired or replaced the goods or has not completed the repair or replacement in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, or has rejected the consumer's warranty claim.

The non-conformity persists despite the company's attempt to restore conformity.

The non-conformity is so severe that it justifies an immediate proportionate reduction in the purchase price or withdrawal from the contract.

The company has stated, or it is obvious from the circumstances, that it will not restore the conformity of the goods within a reasonable time or without significant inconvenience to the consumer.

Regardless of the above, the consumer may withdraw from the contract and request a full refund if the non-conformity appears within 30 days of the delivery of the goods.

If the consumer requests a proportionate reduction in the purchase price, the reduction is proportional to the decrease in the value of the goods compared to the value they would have had if they were conforming.

The consumer enforces the right to withdraw from the sales contract by notifying the company of their decision, as described in the notification section above.

If the non-conformity affects only part of the goods delivered under the sales contract, the consumer may withdraw from the contract concerning the affected goods and any related goods if it is unreasonable to expect the consumer to keep only the conforming goods.

If the consumer withdraws from the contract due to non-conformity, they must return the goods to the company at the company’s expense.

The consumer cannot withdraw from the sales contract if the non-conformity is minor. The burden of proof that the non-conformity is minor lies with the company.

Refund Period for the Purchase Price or Part of It

When the consumer withdraws from the sales contract, the company must refund the purchase price immediately, but no later than 8 days after receiving the returned goods or proof that the consumer has sent them back.

If the consumer requests a proportionate reduction in the purchase price, the company must refund the appropriate amount within 8 days of receiving the request.

The conditions for purchasing digital content or services

The section of the General Terms and Conditions governs the purchase and delivery or access to digital content or services offered in the online store.

The provisions of this section, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, do not apply to digital content or digital services from the online store’s offer that are included in goods with digital elements or are interconnected with them and are provided with the goods in accordance with the sales contract for those goods, regardless of whether such digital content or digital service is supplied by the company or a third party.

In all such cases, the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act and the relevant sections of these General Terms and Conditions, which regulate the compliance of goods with digital elements and other aspects of the purchase or liability related to the purchase of physical goods or goods with digital elements, shall apply.

Conclusion of the Contract for the Purchase of Digital Content or Services

If digital content or digital services are available for purchase in the online store at the time of purchase, the customer can purchase them as described in detail in the section "Process of Purchase in the Online Store and Technical Procedures for Contract Conclusion." In doing so, in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and to the extent or according to the specification stated in the description of each purchased digital content or service, a contract is concluded between the customer and the company for the supply of digital content or digital service.

Under this contract, the company provides the consumer with the specified digital content or digital service against payment, as defined in the description of the respective digital content or service, or as further described below.

According to the Consumer Protection Act, a contract for the supply of digital content or digital services also includes:

A contract in which the customer agrees to provide personal data to the company unless the company processes the personal data solely for the purpose of supplying the digital content or digital service in accordance with the applicable law or to fulfill legal obligations that apply to it, and the company does not process this data for any other purpose.

A contract in which the digital content or digital service is developed according to the consumer’s instructions.

A contract for the purchase of physical data carriers that serve exclusively as carriers of digital content (e.g., purchasing a CD for installing software, etc.).

A contract concluded by making a purchase or placing an order through the online store or its dedicated subpages (e.g., by entering an email address for the purpose of receiving digital content or a service free of charge), in which case this type of contract is also governed by the section of these General Terms and Conditions.

Functionalities and Technical Protection Measures of Digital Content, Services, or Goods with Digital Elements

The functionalities and any technical protections of digital content, services, or goods with digital elements are always specified in the description of the digital content, service, or goods with digital elements in the online store.

The company may include links to other websites, video content, or graphic presentations in the descriptions to provide this information. The company reserves the right to include only those details that are expected or necessary for proper use, installation, and consumer awareness regarding each digital content, service, or goods with digital elements, due to technical limitations or other objective reasons.

In case of any uncertainties or incomplete information, consumers are encouraged to contact the company via the email address provided at the beginning of this document before placing an order.

Delivery of Digital Content or Services

After a successful purchase (and fulfilling any additional conditions that may be stated in the description of the digital content or service regarding possible restrictions on accessing content on a dedicated section of the online store, if such restrictions are specified in the description of the digital content or service or elsewhere in these General Terms and Conditions), the company will, without undue delay:

Either send the digital content or service in the format specified in the offer description of the online store to the customer’s email address (or within the dedicated section of the online store if stated in the digital content or service description) or provide appropriate means to access or download the digital content (e.g., instructions and access details for downloading digital content or service or accessing content on a dedicated section of the online store), ensuring that it is available to the customer or accessible on the physical or virtual platform chosen by the customer.

Or ensure that the digital service is accessible to the customer or is available on the physical or virtual platform selected by the consumer.

The means for access or downloading digital content or services or the physical or virtual platform for accessing digital content or services shall be those specified in the description of the relevant digital content or service (e.g., "Available for download," "CD," "DVD," "Online streaming") or as commonly expected by an average consumer in connection with the respective type of digital content or service.

If a different method of delivery for digital content or services is specified, it will always be mentioned in the description of the respective digital content or service in the online store offer or these General Terms and Conditions.

If delivery in the specified form is not possible at the time of purchase due to technical or other objective reasons, the company will attempt to repeat the delivery as soon as possible or will arrange for an alternative suitable delivery method in agreement with the customer. If the delivery time constitutes a crucial element of the contract for the customer and delivery is delayed, the customer may withdraw from the contract in accordance with the relevant provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, which regulate the procedures in case of non-compliance of goods, digital content, services, or goods with digital elements.

Access to Digital Content or Services and Allowed Serious Service Interruptions

If part of the online store’s offer includes the purchase or supply of digital content or services that are available to the consumer only within a dedicated section of the online store after purchase, using and accessing such digital content or services may be subject to a subscription fee or other conditions for use and access to such streaming content or accessing the dedicated section of the online store, as will always be stated in advance in the description of such digital content or services or these General Terms and Conditions.

In the event of a serious service outage that affects access to purchased digital content or services within the dedicated section of the online store or causes serious disruptions in accessing purchased digital content (i.e., the operation of the dedicated section of the online store), the company will offer affected customers compensation in the form of a refund or proportional reimbursement of the monthly subscription fee corresponding to the severity of the outage.

In case of any uncertainties or incomplete information regarding access to digital content or services, consumers are encouraged to contact the company via the email address provided at the beginning of this document before placing an order.

Information on Compatibility and Interoperability of Digital Content or Services

The compatibility and interoperability of digital content or services depend on the specific digital content or service and may be specified in the description of the respective digital content or service.

If a description of a particular digital content or service does not include specific information about compatibility or interoperability, it is assumed that the digital content or service is compatible or interoperable only with hardware or software that is commonly used with such digital content or service (e.g., hardware and software or network connections expected by an average consumer to support transfer, reading, use, and other expected interactions with the digital content or service, such as CD/DVD players, USB ports, programs or plugins for opening Word or .pdf files, plugins or software for streaming MP4 or AVI video files, video codecs such as H.264, DivX, and Xvid, and hardware and software for playing audio formats such as .mp3 or .wav).

Unless otherwise stated in the description of a particular digital service or content in the online store’s offer, digital content and services are generally compatible and interoperable with Microsoft and MacOS operating systems, as well as other environments that support the execution, opening, reading, or playing of the respective type of digital content or service (e.g., Android and iOS for digital content or services designed for use or access on mobile devices), provided that adapted mobile versions of such programs support the relevant format of digital content or service.

If digital content or services have special requirements regarding execution, access, or usage, these conditions will be specified in the description of the relevant digital content or service in the online store offer at the time of purchase or within the dedicated section of the online store.

For any uncertainties or incomplete information, consumers are encouraged to contact the company via the email address provided at the beginning of this document before placing an order.

Non-compliance of digital content or digital service

In accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, the company delivers compliant digital content or digital service to the customer.

Subjective Aspects of Digital Content Compliance

Digital content or a digital service is not compliant with the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service, as specified in Article 110 of the Consumer Protection Act (e.g., it does not match the description, type, quantity, and quality and lacks functionality, compatibility, interoperability, and other features stated in the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service, etc.).

Objective Aspects of Digital Content or Digital Service Compliance

Digital content or a digital service is also not compliant when it does not serve the purposes for which digital content or a digital service of the same type is normally used, as stated in Article 111 of the Consumer Protection Act (e.g., it is not delivered with all accessories and instructions that the consumer can reasonably expect to receive when appropriate, etc.).

Non-Compliance of Digital Content or Digital Service Updates

Updates to digital content or services are non-compliant if the company fails to ensure that the consumer is informed about updates, including security updates necessary to maintain the compliance of digital content or digital service with the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service. The company ensures that updates from the previous paragraph are delivered or made available to the consumer within the period:

in which, according to the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service, the digital content or digital service must be delivered, when the contract stipulates continuous delivery of digital content or digital service for a specific period, or

that the consumer can reasonably expect based on the type and purpose of the digital content or digital service, taking into account the circumstances and nature of the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service, when the contract stipulates a one-time delivery of digital content or digital service or a series of separate deliveries of digital content or digital service.

Non-Compliance Due to Improper Integration of Digital Content or Digital Service

Any non-compliance of digital content or a digital service that arises due to improper integration of the digital content or digital service into the consumer’s digital environment is considered non-compliance of digital content or digital service if:

the digital content or digital service was integrated by the company or under the company's responsibility, or

it was intended that the digital content or digital service would be integrated by the consumer, but improper integration occurred due to inadequate integration instructions provided by the company.

Enforcement of Warranty Claims in Case of Non-Compliance of Digital Content or Digital Services

The consumer, in case of non-compliance of digital content or digital service, under the conditions set out in this section, may:

● request the restoration of compliance of the digital content or digital service,

● request a proportionate reduction of the purchase price, or

● withdraw from the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service.

The consumer also has the right to claim compensation from the company, especially if the delivered digital content or digital service causes damage to hardware or other digital content or digital service owned by the consumer, and the damage is not a result of the consumer’s actions or omissions. The consumer claims compensation in accordance with the general rules on liability for damages.

The consumer may withhold payment of the remaining part of the purchase price or part of the remaining amount until the company fulfills its obligations under Chapter IV of the Consumer Protection Act – Warranty Claims in Case of Non-Compliance. The consumer exercises this right with a statement informing the company of their decision (e.g., as provided in the section of these General Terms regarding notification of the existence of a material defect in regular goods).

The consumer’s rights under the first paragraph of this section expire two days from the date the consumer notified the company of the non-compliance of the digital content or digital service.

Restoration of Compliance

The consumer may request the restoration of compliance of the digital content or digital service unless this is impossible or would cause disproportionate costs to the company, taking into account all circumstances of the case, including:

● the value the digital content or digital service would have if it were compliant, and

● the significance of the non-compliance.

The company restores compliance of the digital content or digital service in accordance with the previous paragraph within a reasonable time from the moment the consumer informed the company of the non-compliance, free of charge and without significant inconvenience to the consumer, considering the type of digital content or digital service and the purpose for which the consumer needed the digital content or digital service.

Reduction of the Purchase Price or Withdrawal from the Contract for the Supply of Digital Content or Digital Service

The consumer may request a proportionate reduction of the purchase price in accordance with the second and third paragraphs of Article 83 of the Consumer Protection Act when digital content or a digital service is supplied for a price or may withdraw from the contract for the supply of digital content or a digital service in accordance with the fourth paragraph of the mentioned article in any of the following cases:

● restoration of compliance of the digital content or digital service is impossible or disproportionate under the first paragraph of the previous article,

● the company has not restored the compliance of the digital content or digital service in accordance with the second paragraph of the previous article,

● the digital content or digital service remains non-compliant despite the company’s attempt to restore compliance,

● the nature of the non-compliance of the digital content or digital service is so severe that it justifies an immediate proportionate reduction of the purchase price or withdrawal from the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service, or

● the company has declared or it is evident from the circumstances that it will not restore compliance of the digital content or digital service within a reasonable time or without significant inconvenience to the consumer.

The amount of the proportionate reduction of the purchase price corresponds to the decrease in the value of the digital content or digital service supplied to the consumer compared to the value it would have had if it were compliant.

If the contract for the supply of digital content or a digital service stipulates that digital content or a digital service is supplied for a specific period against payment of the purchase price, the purchase price is reduced for the period during which compliance of the digital content or digital service was not ensured.

Notwithstanding the first paragraph of Article 83 of the Consumer Protection Act, the consumer may withdraw from the contract for the supply of digital content or a digital service only if the non-compliance is not minor. The burden of proof regarding whether the non-compliance is minor lies with the company.

The consumer exercises the right to withdraw from the contract for the supply of digital content or a digital service with a statement informing the company of the withdrawal from the contract (e.g., as provided in the section of these General Terms regarding notification of the existence of a material defect in regular goods).

Refund of Payments

If the consumer withdraws from the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service, the company shall refund all payments made by the consumer in accordance with the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service.

Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, if the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service specifies that the digital content or digital service is provided against payment for a certain period and compliance of the digital content or digital service was ensured for some time before the withdrawal, the company shall refund only a proportionate part of the paid purchase price corresponding to the period during which compliance of the digital content or digital service was not ensured.

In the case described in the previous paragraph, the company shall also refund any portion of the purchase price that the consumer paid in advance for the remaining period of the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service if the consumer had not withdrawn from the contract.

Refund Deadlines and Methods

If the consumer exercises their right to request a proportionate reduction of the purchase price or to withdraw from the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service in accordance with Articles 120 or 122 of the Consumer Protection Act, the company shall refund the consumer's received payments without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the day the company was informed of the consumer’s decision to claim a proportionate reduction of the purchase price or to withdraw from the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service.

The company shall refund the received payments using the same payment method that the consumer used for payment, unless the consumer explicitly agrees to a different payment method and does not incur any costs as a result.

The company shall not charge the consumer any fees for refunding the received payments.

Use of Digital Content and Digital Service

After withdrawing from the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service, the company shall not use any content that is not personal data and that the consumer has provided or created while using the digital content or digital service supplied by the company, except as provided by Article 124 of the Consumer Protection Act.

In the event that the consumer withdraws from the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service, the company reserves the right, notwithstanding the second paragraph of Article 124 of the Consumer Protection Act and the previous paragraph, to prevent the consumer from any further use of the digital content or digital service, in particular by disabling the consumer’s access to the digital content or digital service or by deactivating the consumer’s user account.

Use of Digital Content or Digital Service and Return of Physical Data Carriers

After withdrawing from the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service, the consumer shall refrain from using the digital content or digital service and shall not make it available to third parties, for which they may be held civilly liable to the company.

If the digital content was supplied to the consumer on a physical data carrier, the consumer shall, upon the company's request and at the company's expense, return the physical data carrier to the company without undue delay.

The company shall submit the request for the return of the physical data carrier within 14 days from the date on which it was informed of the consumer’s decision to withdraw from the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service.

The consumer is not required to pay for the use of the digital content or digital service for the period before the withdrawal from the contract for the supply of digital content or digital service during which compliance of the digital content or digital service was not ensured.

Bundle Contracts and Withdrawal from Bundle Contracts

If the purchase includes a package where the company provides the consumer with both digital content or digital service and other services or goods (i.e., in the case of a bundle contract), the provisions of this section apply only to the elements of the bundle contract related to digital content or digital service.

If the consumer withdraws from a specific element of the bundle contract as described in the previous paragraph, they may also withdraw from other elements of the bundle contract if it is unreasonable to expect the consumer to retain the other elements of the bundle contract. If the consumer exercises the option to withdraw from other elements of the contract in accordance with the previous paragraph, they shall not be required to pay the company any termination fees, administrative fees, penalties, amounts of received benefits, or any other additional costs.

A consumer who received goods upon concluding a bundle contract and subsequently withdraws from the bundle contract in accordance with the previous paragraph may choose, before the contract period expires, to either:

● reimburse the company an amount corresponding to a proportionate part of the total value of the received goods and keep the goods, or

● return the goods to the company at their own expense in the same condition as delivered, in which case the company shall refund the purchase price.

The proportionate part of the total value of the received goods, as stated in the previous paragraph, shall not exceed the value determined at the time of concluding the bundle contract or the remaining portion of the monthly payments for the received goods until the end of the contract period, whichever amount is lower.

Warranty for the flawless operation of certain products

Warranty Rights for Consumers

With the warranty, the company or manufacturer (depending on who issued the warranty certificate in relation to the goods in question) commits as a guarantor to repair or replace the goods free of charge, refund part or all of the purchase price when the goods do not meet the specifications or have the properties stated in the warranty certificate or the corresponding advertisement available to the buyer at the time of purchase (i.e., contract conclusion) or before, as specified in the warranty certificate.

If the conditions in the warranty certificate are less favorable for the consumer than those stipulated in related advertisements, the warranty is binding under the conditions defined in the related advertisements unless the related advertisements were corrected before purchase in the same or a comparable manner as they were issued.

The warranty does not exclude consumer rights arising from mandatory conformity guarantees of goods.

The provisions of this section (and the provisions or rights of an individual warranty certificate) also apply to buyers who do not meet the definition of a consumer.

Issuance and Territorial Validity of the Warranty Certificate

Products offered in the online store have a warranty if it is explicitly stated in the warranty certificate or on the invoice provided to the buyer along with the product.

The manufacturer (or company) provides the consumer with a mandatory warranty, as further specified in the individual warranty certificate, which is provided with the goods for which legal or regulatory acts require a mandatory warranty issuance.

The manufacturer (or company) may, at its discretion, issue a voluntary (commercial) warranty for certain goods, as further specified in the individual warranty certificate, which may accompany goods for which warranty issuance is not mandatory.

For goods where a warranty is issued, the company will provide the consumer with a warranty certificate containing the guarantor's details as specified in Article 91 of the Consumer Protection Act at the latest upon delivery of the goods.

The issued warranty is always valid exclusively within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia unless otherwise stated in the warranty certificate.

Servicing, Provision of Spare Parts, Repairs, and Maintenance of Goods

The manufacturer ensures paid repair, maintenance of goods, spare parts, and accessories for at least three years after the warranty period has expired, either by performing the service itself or through a contractor with whom a service contract has been concluded.

For goods where warranty issuance is mandatory, the company informs buyers that if not otherwise stated in the warranty certificate (e.g., if there are no authorized service providers covering the territory of Slovenia or those offering paid repairs, maintenance, spare parts, and accessories), buyers should contact the company via the consumer communication email provided at the beginning of these General Terms and Conditions.

Consumer Warranty Rights

If goods with a mandatory warranty do not meet the specifications or lack the properties stated in the warranty certificate or advertisement, the consumer may first request that the defects be corrected. If the defects are not corrected within 30 days from the date the manufacturer or authorized service provider received the consumer’s repair request, the manufacturer must replace the goods free of charge with identical, new, and faultless goods.

The deadline in the previous paragraph may be extended for the shortest time necessary to complete the repair or replacement, but by no more than 15 days. When determining the extended deadline, the nature and complexity of the goods, the nature and severity of the defect, and the effort required to complete the repair or replacement are taken into account. The manufacturer must inform the consumer of the number of days for the extension and the reasons for the extension before the initial deadline expires.

If the manufacturer fails to repair or replace the goods with a new one within the deadlines mentioned above, the consumer may request a full refund from the manufacturer or demand a proportionate reduction in the purchase price.

If the consumer requests a proportionate reduction in the purchase price, the reduction is proportional to the decrease in the value of the received goods compared to the value the goods would have had if they were in conformity.

Regardless of the previous paragraphs, the consumer may request a refund of the paid amount from the manufacturer if the defect occurs within less than 30 days from the delivery of the goods.

For replaced goods or essential parts of goods replaced with new ones, the manufacturer issues a new warranty certificate.

The manufacturer or authorized service provider may provide the consumer with a temporary replacement product free of charge during the repair period for goods under a mandatory warranty.

If the manufacturer does not provide the consumer with a temporary replacement product, the consumer is entitled to claim damages suffered due to the inability to use the goods from the time the repair or replacement was requested until completion.

The manufacturer covers the costs of materials, spare parts, labor, transportation, and shipping incurred in repairing defects or replacing the product with a new one.

Procedure for Exercising Warranty Rights

The buyer must submit a written request within the warranty period and under the warranty conditions to the guarantor or an authorized service provider to request the rectification of defects. In doing so, the buyer must present the product along with the warranty and service certificate and a copy of the receipt.

The buyer is not responsible for any costs related to the rectification of defects or the replacement of the product.

To expedite and streamline the warranty process, the buyer may send the product directly to the nearest authorized service center. Alternatively, the buyer can send a written claim with a detailed description of the defect and the product to the company, either electronically via the company's email address for consumer communication (provided at the beginning of these General Terms and Conditions) or by regular mail sent to the company's official address, which is also provided at the beginning of these General Terms and Conditions.

If the company determines that the defect in the product is due to improper handling by the buyer, rendering the warranty claim unjustified, the product will be returned to the buyer with a written notice at the buyer’s expense.

The consumer rights that may be exercised under the warranty certificate expire two years after the date the rights were exercised.

Questions regarding which products are covered by the warranty and how the buyer can exercise the warranty can be directed to the company via its email address for consumer communication, which is provided at the beginning of these General Terms and Conditions.

Filing Complaints

The company has an established system for handling complaints related to goods, services, and digital content or services offered in the online store, as well as purchases made through the online store. In case of any complaints, visitors or customers can contact the company via the email address provided at the beginning of these General Terms and Conditions.

The company will inform the complainant via email within a reasonable time that their complaint has been received and will provide its decision regarding the complaint within 15 business days in the same manner. This will conclude the complaint process with the company.

The company will make every effort to resolve any disputes amicably. If an amicable resolution is not reached, the exclusive jurisdiction for resolving all disputes between the company and the user or customer lies with the competent court in the location where the company has its registered office (or the nearest location where a competent court exists).

These General Terms and all disputes between the company and the visitor or customer shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with Slovenian substantive and procedural law.

For all relationships, rights, and obligations not regulated by these General Terms, the applicable provisions of the Obligations Code, the Electronic Commerce Act, the Personal Data Protection Act, and the Consumer Protection Act shall apply accordingly.

Out-of-Court Consumer Dispute Resolution

In accordance with regulations, the company does not recognize any provider of out-of-court consumer dispute resolution as competent for resolving consumer disputes that the buyer may initiate in accordance with the Act on Out-of-Court Consumer Dispute Resolution concerning products purchased in the online store.

The company operates an online store within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, which falls within the European Economic Area. Consequently, it publishes an electronic link on its website to the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform for consumer disputes. The platform is available to consumers at the following link:


Permitted Use of the Online Store

The online store may not be used for any purpose other than the following private and non-commercial purposes: (i) viewing the online store and its products and content; (ii) interacting with buttons, contact forms, and other aspects of the online store for making a purchase; (iii) sharing and posting a link to the online store; (iv) using any designated sections of the online store if the visitor meets the prescribed conditions (e.g., registering an account); (v) all other purposes logically related to the activity of the online store or the company and constituting a regular, secure, and expected use.

The company reserves the right to deny access to the online store to the visitor, previous buyer, or registered user if there are serious and valid reasons related to the suspicion of abuse, fraud, or the commission of a criminal act, or the threat of serious harm to the company or its partners, and to initiate legal proceedings against such individuals as per civil law.

The use of automated systems or software to extract data from the online store for commercial purposes (screen scraping) is strictly prohibited.

Preliminary information and information provided by the company as an information society service provider.

The company provides easy, direct, and simple access to its data (i.e., information about its business and headquarters, the valid email address for quick and efficient communication, its registration or tax number, information about registration in the register with the name of the register and registration number, and the fact that it is or is not required to pay value-added tax) at the bottom (i.e., in the footer) of the online store or at the beginning of these General Terms and Conditions. The company has not published the names of the competent state authority, chamber or other supervisory organization, professional chamber or association, professional title, and the country where it was awarded, nor the relevant professional rules of that country and how to access them, as, on the date of entry into force or the last amendment of these General Terms and Conditions, it does not require special permits for its activities nor does it engage in a profession or activity for which specific conditions or mandatory membership in chambers or similar associations are prescribed.

Begining of validity of these terms and conditions

These terms and confitions are version 2.0 and are valid from 13.03.2025 and onwards


Begining of validity of these terms and conditions

These terms and confitions are version 2.0 and are valid from 13.03.2025 and onwards


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